Metal Roof Curbs

CPM-1 Metail Building Roof Curb
Standard Features
Designed to meet roof manufacturer's needs and requirements.
18 ga. Or 14 ga. Prime galvalume steel construction.
1 ½” thick, 3# density fiberglass insulation – r-6.5 thermal rating.
Corners mitered and welded to be watertight.
Available in custom colors to match painted roof.
Loose clips for over-over or over-under installation.
- Specifications
- Metal Bldg. Curb Spec. 07720

CPM-3 Metail Building Roof Curb
Standard Features
Designed to meet roof manufacturers' needs and requirements.
18 ga. Or 14 ga. Prime galvalume steel construction.
1 ½” thick, 3# density fiberglass insulation – r-6.5 thermal rating.
Corners mitered and welded to be watertight.
Available in custom colors to match painted roof.
Clips welded on for over-over installation.
- Specifications
- Metal Bldg. Curb Spec. 07720

CPM-5 Metail Building Roof Curb
Standard Features
Designed to meet roof manufacturer's needs and requirements.
18 ga. Or 14 ga. Prime galvalume steel construction.
1 ½” thick, 3# density fiberglass insulation – r-6.5 thermal rating.
Corners mitered and welded to be watertight.
Available in custom colors to match painted roof.
Clips welded on for over-under installation.
- Specifications
- Metal Bldg. Curb Spec. 07720

CPM-7 Metail Building Roof Curb
Standard Features
Designed to meet roof manufacturer's needs and requirements.
18 ga. Or 14 ga. Prime galvalume steel construction.
1 ½” thick, 3# density fiberglass insulation – r-6.5 thermal rating.
Corners mitered and welded to be watertight.
Available in custom colors to match painted roof.
No clips provided for the flat flange installation.
- Specifications
- Metal Bldg. Curb Spec. 07720

CPM-9 Metail Building Roof Curb
Standard Features
Designed to meet roof manufacturer's needs and requirements.
18 ga. Or 14 ga. Prime galvalume steel construction.
1 ½” thick, 3# density fiberglass insulation – r-6.5 thermal rating.
Corners mitered and welded to be watertight.
Available in custom colors to match painted roof.
Loose clips are provided on the downhill side of the curb for over-under installation
- Specifications
- Metal Bldg. Curb Spec. 07720